
Carers’ Fitness Class

The Carers’ Fitness Class initiative has been developed to give carers a chance to maintain their own physical fitness and well-being. 

It is essential as a carer to look after yourself too to be sure of being able to sustain your role.

The class is run by Jill Lawson and aims to give carers some ‘me time’. 

Set around a fitness class, the atmosphere is one of fun and support. Using similar techniques to our disability classes, the class can suit all levels of ability so that each person can work at their pace without feeling intimidated.

There is time afterwards for a coffee and cake and a chat-giving an opportunity to meet people in similar situations and gain advice and support as required.

Recognising that carers cannot always commit to a regular time and date each week and that costs can be a problem, this class is run at a reduced rate for carers and is pay as you go’.

Each class is £5 per session, paid on the day, allowing you to come and go as and when you can.

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