We are so excited to add a Wellis Swimspa into our new extension.
A grant from the New Anglia Small Grant Scheme, which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund has enabled us to move forward with our plans to extend our unique concepts into the water.
A Swimspa gives us the opportunity to provide an environment that can be adapted to the needs of our clients to achieve the best outcomes.
Working in a small volume of water in a quiet space with the ability to introduce music and sensory lighting means we can adapt the surroundings to meet the sensory needs of many of our clients who might be put off by a standard swimming pool.
The small volume allows us to adjust the temperature of the water to higher temperatures than those seen in standard swim pools and our team can work at eye level with the client in the water so providing close, safe, easily adjusted supervision with our clients. The Able2B team can work in or out of the water or both.
We have installed a Molift 200 ceiling hoist in the pool room and alongside a fully accessible wet room/changing room (also with hoist and adult changing table).