Inclusivity Consulting

Our team of directors at Able2B have a wealth of experience in understanding what the barriers may be to integrating a person with a disability into the workplace successfully.

As well as providing employment and facilities that meet the needs of the individual, it is essential that that person feels part of the team and integrates fully.

Often perceptions by employers and other employees can limit this integration and it can be harder to achieve good team working and therefore efficiency in the workplace.

We can offer a range of services to help change perceptions and achieve a more efficient, friendly working environment.

If as an employer you need advice on how to increase opportunities in your workplace to people with disabilities, improve services for those you already employ or look at ways to create effective team-working we can provide training sessions, corporate team-building events or one to one support of a particular employee to help you achieve this.

Services offered:

-1:1 advice and support for employer or employee

-Corporate events improving team-working and inclusivity

-Bespoke support of an employee within the workplace, offering a mentoring service and professional support for any difficulties faced.

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