
Adapted boxercise classes

Classes for Kids & Adults

This initiative has been developed to help children and adults with a disability optimise their aerobic fitness and muscle strength where they may otherwise be limited by their physical disability first. The classes are unique in that they offer the opportunity for all levels of physical disability to participate (including wheelchair users), encourage the use of all four limbs and allow each person to raise their heart rate even when physically limited, thus improving their aerobic fitness.

The classes can also be accessed by children and adults with a learning disability such as ADHD, autism and Aspergers to help promote concentration, focus and self-confidence, whilst providing an environment in which they have the one-to-one support that is often required for people with these difficulties.

The classes are run as a group, but with the aid of volunteers, each participant works in a pair and is able therefore to set their challenges to match their level of function, so individualising the class for each person.

Each participant can, if they wish, bring a volunteer with them to the session to be actively involved in helping support in the class. The volunteer will participate for free. The volunteers will be ‘pairing up’ with the Boxercise part of the class (not necessarily with the person they came with) and assist/participate with some of the aerobic/circuit activities and therefore will be working quite hard physically themselves, so please bear this in mind with clothing, drinks etc. for helpers too.

There will be several other adults from a teaching/helping perspective to help out, so it is not essential to bring a volunteer. 

Inclusion criteria for Children

  • Learning disability (but able to understand simple instructions)
  • Medically stable

The classes are held at Able2B Gym, Unit 9, Gilchrist Close, Bessemer Road, Norwich NR4 6AT

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