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We love working with journalists around the world to share our stories and impact we’re having on the community.
If you’re part of the media industry or press and would like to talk to us please send an email to or call us to speak to Rachael on 01603 986407 (available Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12pm)
Able2B Key Facts
Norwich, UK
Rachael Hutchinson
Jon Thaxton
Our slogan
“Discover your ability”
Mission Statement
Our aim is to help individuals whatever their problems to Discover their Ability and show their family, friends and society what is possible if you just believe.
What we do
Able2B optimise day to day function for individuals with a disability, it is at the forefront of what we’re working together towards. Our adapted programs and activities are designed to the individual to help them reach their goals and fulfil their true potential.
Using ex-professional boxer Jon Thaxton’s experience in motivational work and Orthopaedic Surgeon Rachael Hutchinson’s experience in working around medical problems and the issues that may occur we can achieve outcomes that make a massive difference to day to day life.
We are also able to offer advice to schools and local businesses with regards to inclusivity, work experience and employment, in the aim to improve opportunities for teenagers and young adults with a disability.
Editorial Images
All photos can be downloaded and used for free. Editorial and journalism purposes only. No permission is needed but an attribution is required.
Editorial Videos
All videos can be downloaded, embedded and used for free. Editorial and journalism purposes only. No permission is needed but an attribution is required.
Latest News

December’s Newsletter
Have a look at what we have been up to this month and what are plans are for Christmas.
DYA 2024 Press Release
Dear Editor We would be very grateful if you were able to cover this story/event happening this Sunday. It is a follow on from the
Join us this Sunday 11th June for one of the most Inspiring Events in Norwich!!
Come and support our event-seeing children with and without a disability working together to achieve their challenge plus some of our disabled adult clients complete
We featured on ITV Anglia news ahead of our Grand Open Day Saturday 13th May
We were so pleased to have Natalie Gray for ITV Anglia at the Able2b Gym this week to see our classes and assessments in action.
To officially open our UNIQUE service for children & adults with a disability. Saturday May 13th 9am-3pm Unit 9, Gilchrist Close, Bessemer Road, Norwich NR4