Discover Your Ability 2020

Sunday 10th May 2020

Our fully inclusive challenge


Make new friends

Improve awareness of disability

Break down barriers

Change perceptions

Bringing together children from mainstream schools alongside children with disabilities we hope to break down some of these perceptions and barriers in a fun and inclusive way.

We aim to show children what they can achieve.

Our 2019 event in collaboration with Norwich School in the summer was a huge success. We want to make this year even better with the additional support of Irwin Mitchell Solicitors.

All children and young adults between the age of 10 and 25 years can get involved, either individually or by involving your school.

Each SENCO child will be paired with a mainstream school in order to complete the course together round the grounds of Norwich School.

With the support of specialist equipment we can adapt the event to even severe learning or physical disabilities.

Contact us – to book your place or for more information.

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